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The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
Key Dates: 1992-
Coined by the American Artist James Seehafer in 1992 the expression Massurrealism stands for a fusion of the dream like visions of surrealism, pop art and New Media Technology – as well as for an expression of the Hyper-real.
Starting as a grass roots art style it started to generate interest very soon in the New York Area first, then spreading to L.A. and beyond the American borders to Mexico, Russia and Europe.
Massusrrealism also is influenced by the postmodern time mass-media communications where examples of surreal imagery is present in form of print media, movies and music videos without the conscious notice of the observer that he is looking at a surreal image/scene.
The ideology behind Massurrealism is rather oriented on the writings and theories of Marshall Mc Luhan, Jean Baudrillard, Cecil Touchon than on Freud or Breton. To explain massurrealism in words is rather difficult, and might be done best by example, as the visual expressions are in continuous progress.
Representative Artists: James Seehafer, Salvatore Lodico, F. Michael Morris, Bayardo Carrillo, Jr, Marketta Leino, Ginnie Gardiner, Domenic Ali, Caplyn Dor, Alex Filipchenko, Peter Steinlechner, Cecil Touchon